Wednesday, September 18, 2024
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California State Assembly member introduces ‘Stop Investment in Turkey Act’

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California State Assembly member Chris Holden introduced the Stop Investment in Turkey Act, AB 1019, that will mandate the state  to stop all new investments or renew existing investments issued or owned by Turkey using the full force of the California government to pressure Turkey to recognize the Armenian Genocide and takes steps towards justice to its victims, Asbarez reports.

“An unrepentant Turkey prevents justice for the families of Armenian Genocide survivors, and makes Turkey a more dangerous country for their minority communities and neighboring Armenia,” said Assemblymember Chris Holden. “Continued investment in the Government of Turkey signals implicit support for their actions, and it needs to stop.”

“Now is the time for California to stand up for truth and justice for the Armenian Genocide with meaningful action,” said Holden.

The ANCA Western Region expressed gratitude to Mr. Holden for introducing the bill.

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